29th July, 2021
Medium Acuity Patient Transport (MATS)
As members will be aware the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) have been advocating for a significant increase in Ambulance Victoria (AV) Non-Emergency Patient Transport capability to free up emergency crews to attend emergency cases. This was a key item in our ten-point plan that we submitted to Government on 26 April 2021.
On Friday 23 July 2021 the VAU met with the AV executive about the proposed roll out of recently announced Government funding for more resources and initiatives to reduce demand and improve resourcing.
AV is proposing to introduce 22 Medium Acuity Patient Transport (MATS) resources across the state, that will focus on code 2 and 3 cases.
The proposed crewing arrangement will be a Graduate Paramedic alongside an ALS paramedic who is undertaking a transition to retirement arrangement.
While there are some industrial considerations to work through, the VAU have given in-principle support for this proposal. There will be further consultation about this but it is expected that these resources will be up and running over the coming months.
While this alone is not the panacea for all the current resourcing challenges, it is a positive announcement and one that is likely to have a significant impact on reducing ALS and MICA workload, leaving rural areas uncovered due to inter-hospital transports and provide alternative transport options at end of shift and during meal break windows.
There will be other initiatives to announce to due course. Members will be kept informed as the work continues.
In solidarity,