14th February, 2022
Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Bargaining – Log of Claims
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) is seeking expressions of interest from members for inclusion in our log of claims for bargaining for a new Ambulance Victoria (AV) enterprise agreement to replace the current AV Enterprise Agreement 2020 (Agreement).
The Agreement will expire on 31 January 2024, however we were successful in having a renegotiation clause inserted into the agreement which requires formal negotiations to begin 12 months prior to the nominal expiry date. This means that formal discussions will begin by 31 January 2023.
In order to avoid lengthy and unnecessary delays it is important that an agreed log of claims is endorsed and served on AV and Government well before bargaining begins.
All members covered by the Agreement are invited to make suggestions for improvements to the wages and working conditions in the Agreement. Most of the improvements achieved over many years of enterprise bargaining have begun with suggestions from members.
In the last round of bargaining there were over fifty improvements to wages and conditions for our members. Some improvements applied broadly to all members such as wage increases, improved parental leave and reimbursement of childcare expenses, while other improvements are directed towards select groups such as paid Australian Defence Force Reserve Leave, a new casual conversion clause, and further wage increments for TM/STM and other specialist classifications.
So please include suggestions for improvements that are important to you as an individual as well as the collective workforce.
All suggestions will be collated and considered by the VAU State Council for inclusion in the final log of claims which is then endorsed and served on AV and Government.
Please send your suggestions through to [email protected].
In Solidarity