6th November, 2020
AV discrimination – Extension of deadline of submissions to VAU
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) wrote to members on 22 and 29 October 2020 asking for members to come forward and share their experiences of discriminatory, bullying and other differential treatment that has occurred in the course of their employment with Ambulance Victoria (AV).
The purpose of our request was to assist VAU to prepare and file its own submission to the independent review into AV conducted by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC).
The VAU previously requested that any examples be submitted by members by 5.00 pm 6 November 2020.
Following the large volume of emails being received by VAU to date, we are extending this deadline to 5.00 pm, 20 November 2020 to ensure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to come forward.
As previously mentioned, all the material received and the identities of members disclosed to the VAU for the purpose of assisting with the preparation of our submission will remain confidential, deidentified and anonymous, unless express consent has been/is provided to VAU to provide your identity/details to VEOHRC.
Furthermore, we encourage anyone impacted by adverse behaviour within AV to submit their experiences including students, ACO’s, GAP paramedics, former and current employees.
Next Steps
If you have not already shared your story and would like to assist the VAU, we request that you email us with your story and include the following information:
- your experiences of discriminatory conduct, including details of the context and facts giving rise to the conduct;
- the location that the discriminatory conduct occurred; and
- how the discriminatory conduct has impacted you.
Please send the above information to Industrial Officer Alana Lazdins at [email protected] by 5.00 pm 20 November 2020.
We reiterate that your personal information will be kept completely confidential unless you direct us otherwise.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
In solidarity,