
Wages and Allowances

Following numerous queries from members seeking more detail about the wage offer agreed to an in principle with Ambulance Victoria (AV), this bulletin sets out in detail the wage improvements that will be delivered through the proposed enterprise agreement.

Please note that AV have advised that an updated wage table is currently being formulated and will be circulated to staff next week. The below information should be reflected in the wage table once published by AV.

Salary and allowances

  • Annual salary increases to all base rates for existing and new classifications as follows:
    • 2% from the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2020, to be paid from the first pay period on or after the date the Proposed EA comes into operation (first pay increase);
    • 2 % from the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2021 (second pay increase);
    • 2 % from the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2022 (third pay increase);
    • 2 % from the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2023 (fourth pay increase).
  • Existing allowances in Appendix 6 of the Enterprise Agreement will increase in accordance with the salary increases above.
  • The rolled-in rate of pay for the life of the Proposed EA will be calculated based on the calculation/formula set out in Appendix 5 of the AV EA 2015 based on the number of roster lines in place as at April 2018. This will prevent any reduction of the RIR that occurs as a result of roster changes (blended rosters).

Classification Structure

Introduction of additional increments to the current classification structure at Year 6 and Year 9 (for those capped at Year 3 in the AV EA 2015) and Year 9 (for those capped at Year 6 in the AV EA 2015) as follows:

ALS classification and MICA classification

  • From the date of the first pay increase, introduction of Year 9 increment which will have a percentage increase on the Year 6 aggregated base rate of pay to be phased in as follows:
    • from the date of the first pay increase, 2%;
    • from the date of the second pay increase, nil (being aggregate of 2% increase across the first pay increase and second pay increase);
    • from the date of the third pay increase, 0.75% (being aggregate of 2.75% increase across the first pay increase, second pay increase and third pay increase);
    • from the date of the fourth pay increase, 0.55% (being aggregate of 3.3% increase across the first pay increase, second pay increase, third pay increase and fourth pay increase).

Introduction of a new ALS Modern Classification Structure and MICA Modern Classification Structure with associated transition of employees into the new structures as follows:

  • From the date of the first pay increase under the Proposed EA, employees with nine (9) years’ experience or more as an ALS or MICA Paramedic will convert to the Year 9 classification as part of the introduction of the additional Year 9 increment structure;
  • From the date of the second pay increase under the Proposed EA, employees up to nine years’ experience will transition into the new structure with annual progression, which will be subject to commitment provided by the employees to ongoing mentorship and development, including by completing clinical development requirements, to the corresponding classification level;
  • From the date of the third pay increase under the Proposed EA, a “Fast Track” option will be introduced which will be available to select employees that undertake Clinical Instructor qualifications.

Senior Team Manager MICA and Senior Team Manager ALS (including Regional Capability Development/Enhancement Co-ordinator, Emergency Management Planning Co-ordinator, Community Engagement Co-ordinator) 

  • From the date of the first pay increase:
    • the Year 1 rate of pay will receive an uplift to the annual aggregated base rate of pay of $2,107 (Uplifted Yr 1 STM Rate of Pay);
    • the Year 3 rate of pay will receive an uplift to the annual aggregated base rate of pay of $2,107 (Uplifted Yr 3 STM Rate of Pay);
    • and the 2% increase will apply to the Uplifted Yr 1 STM Rate of Pay and Uplifted Yr 3 STM Rate of Pay.
  • From the date of the first pay increase, the introduction of Year 6 increment, which will have a percentage increase from the Uplifted Yr 3 STM Rate of Pay of 2%.
  • From the date of the second pay increase, the introduction of a Year 9 increment, which will have percentage increase from the Year 6 increment to be phased in-as follows:
    • from the date of the second pay increase, 2%;
    • from the date of the third pay increase, 0.75% (being aggregate of 2.75% increase across the second pay increase and third pay increase);
    • from the date of the fourth pay increase, 0.55% (being aggregate of 3.3% increase across the second pay increase, third pay increase and fourth pay increase).

Communication Centre Clinicians

  • From the date of the first pay increase:
    • the Year 1 rate of pay will receive an uplift to the annual aggregated base rate of pay of $9,745 (Uplifted Yr 1 Clinician Rate of Pay);
    • the Year 3 rate of pay will receive an uplift to the annual aggregated base rate of pay of $9,745 (Uplifted Yr 3 Clinician Rate of Pay);
    • and the 2% increase will apply to the Uplifted Yr 1 Clinician Rate of Pay and Uplifted Yr 3 Clinician Rate of Pay.
  • From the date of the first pay increase, the introduction of a Year 6 increment, which will have a percentage increase from the Uplifted Yr 3 Clinician Rate of Pay of 2%.
  • From the date of the second pay increase, the introduction of a Year 9 increment, which will have a percentage increase from the Year 6 increment to be phased in as follows:
    • from the date of the second pay increase, 2%;
    • from the date of the third pay increase, 0.75% (being aggregate of 2.75% increase across the second pay increase and third pay increase);
    • from the date of the fourth pay increase, 0.55% (being aggregate of 3.3% increase across the second pay increase, third pay increase and fourth pay increase).

Clinical Support Officers that perform a dual function as Clinician and CSO at a Communications Centre

  • From date of the first pay increase:
    • the Year 1 rate of pay will receive an uplift to the annual aggregated base rate of pay of $3,670 (Uplifted Yr 1 CSO Rate of Pay);
    • the Year 3 rate of pay will receive an uplift to the annual aggregated base rate of pay of $3,670 (Uplifted Yr 3 CSO Rate of Pay);
    • and the 2% increase will apply to the Uplifted Yr 1 CSO Rate of Pay and Uplifted Yr 3 CSO Rate of Pay.
  • From the date of the first pay increase, the introduction of a Year 6 increment, which will have a percentage increase from the Uplifted Yr 3 CSO Rate of Pay of 2%.
  • From the date of the second pay increase, the introduction of a Year 9 increment, which will have a percentage increase from the Year 6 increment to be phased in as follows:
    • from the date of the second pay increase, 2%;
    • from the date of the third pay increase, 0.75% (being aggregate of 2.75% increase across the second pay increase and third pay increase);
    • from the date of the fourth pay increase, 0.55% (being aggregate of 3.3% increase across the second pay increase, third pay increase and fourth pay increase).

For all other classifications subject to the introduction of an additional Year 9 increment only (i.e. Flight Paramedic ALS, Flight Paramedic Educator ALS, RSTP ALS, RSTP MICA, Referral Service Care Plan Coordinator)

  • Introduction of Year 9 increment, which will have a percentage increase on the Year 6 aggregated base rate of pay to be phased-in as follows:
    • from the date of the second pay increase, 2%;
    • from the date of the third pay increase, 0.75% (being aggregate of 2.75% across the second pay increase and third pay increase);
    • from the date of the fourth pay increase, 0.55% (being aggregate of 3.3% across the second pay increase, third pay increase and fourth pay increase).

For all other classifications subject to both introduction of an additional Year 6 and Year 9 increments (i.e. Clinic Transport Communications Officer, CTO, PTO, ATA, PCSC, MICA Flight Paramedic, MFP Paramedic Educator, Flight Coordinator, Team Manager, Paramedic Educator, Clinical Support Officer, Referral Service Team Leader, CSP, Duty Manager, Resource Officer, Senior Resourcing Officer, Resource Planning Officer) 

  • From the date of the first pay increase, introduction of a Year 6 increment, which will have a percentage increase on the aggregated base rate of pay of 2% from the Year 3 increment.
  • From the date of the second pay increase, introduction of a Year 9 increment, which will have a percentage increase on the aggregated base rate of pay from the Year 6 increment to be phased-in as follows:
    • from the date of the second pay increase, 2%;
    • from the date of the third pay increase, 0.75% (being aggregate of 2.75% across first pay increase, second pay increase and third pay increase);
    • from the date of the fourth pay increase, 0.55% (being aggregate of 3.3% across the second pay increase, third pay increase and fourth pay increase).
  • From the date of the first pay increase under the Proposed EA, permanently appointed Flight Coordinators, Communication Support Paramedics (CSP), Clinic Transport Communications Officer and Referral Service Triage Practitioner (RSTP) are to have the Communication Centre Allowance incorporated into their aggregated base rate of pay.

Fleet Maintenance Officers

Fleet Maintenance Officers and Fleet Services Officers will not receive the additional increments and will continue to be paid in accordance with the pay structure that was introduced by AV in October 2018 (parity with LSO), which will be reflected in the Proposed EA and the increases of 2% will be applied to those rates. This arrangement will deliver higher increases to FMO and FSOs than otherwise provided.

In Solidarity,