
On 25 February 2022 the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) met with Ambulance Victoria (AV) regarding People Based Rostering.

The roster proposal does appear to be a positive step forward which members will benefit from and it is not radical (like the 10 hour roster concept). This People Based Rostering concept is expected to deliver:

  • Removal of 10/14 rosters – including MICA rosters in Metro region
  • Improved resourcing including increased resourcing at peak demand periods
  • Improves access to meal breaks and end of shift management
  • Maintains 4-on-4-off
  • Maintains leave entitlements (40.25 week, 10 weeks annual leave)
  • Improved access to FWAs.

What next?

The VAU wants to see significant improvement to rostering for members. We have met with Government in order to lobby for the funding required to make this AV rostering proposal work.

AV are planning to run a pilot in Metro over coming months.

The VAU have insisted that proper consultation needs to occur as early as possible including directly with elected Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) as required under the OHS Act.

Members will be kept informed.

In Solidarity,