
Last chance to join and nominate the VAU to take Industrial Action!

As VAU members would be aware, negotiations for a new agreement to cover ESTA operational employees have been ongoing since February this year, with the current agreement expiring on 30 June 2023. Despite the efforts of the Unions, we have not reached an agreement.

Therefore, the Unions have now decided that the only option to progress bargaining is to make an application for members to vote on whether they want to take protected industrial action. That application was made today. To be part of the ballot, you must nominate the VAU as your bargaining representative. If you have not done so already, please see the links at the end of this bulletin.

The key items that remain unresolved include the following:

Classification structure

A proposal for a new classification structure was submitted for government approval in June. In that proposed new classification structure we are seeking that the base rate increase for new trainee call-takers, that there are increased years of service and that employees will have more opportunities to multi-skill. We have not heard back about that proposal.

Safe Staffing Levels

The Unions provided a detailed submission to address the staffing issues at ESTA which led to the crisis in 2021. Unions are pleased with many of the recommendations produced by former Fair Work Commissioner Julius Roe. However, we remain concerned that the recommendations do not go far enough to change the approach to staffing within ESTA.

Annual Leave

The Unions have been pursuing a key claim in bargaining, that increases members’ access to leave and increases the quantum of leave available.


Since the start of bargaining, and during the pandemic, the Unions have been advocating for increased standards in training, which would involve courses being of longer duration, and advocating that there needs to be a greater recognition of the mentoring role, which would include increasing the rate of the mentor allowance.

MOU Payments

As members would be aware, on 30 September 2023, the additional MOU payments ceased. MOU payments included extra shift penalties and overtime rates. The Unions have asked that these payments be codified in the agreement.

Last chance to join and nominate the VAU

In order for the VAU to represent you at the bargaining table and to take part in protected industrial action, it is essential that you are a member and have nominated the VAU as your bargaining representative. If you do not you will not be able to vote in a Protected Action Ballot and you will not be able to take protected Industrial Action. To join the VAU, or if you have a colleague that wants to join, please click on the button below:

In Solidarity!