
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) is pleased to present the Log of Claims (LOC) for the RFDS Enterprise Agreement (EA) bargaining.

After consulting with our membership at RFDS, the VAU have compiled a substantial list of claims which have been condensed into the LOC document that is attached to this Bulletin.

The VAU would like to thank those members who took the time to send in ideas for claims in the LOC. Thank you also to those members who attended our Zoom meeting on 1 August to provide further feedback. There will be more member meetings conducted over the course of bargaining as we focus on the claims that matter most to members. Please try to attend at least one of these meetings to have your say and stay informed on the progress of your EA.

The VAU has attended the first meeting with RFDS where we agreed on some procedural details regarding how the meetings would be conducted. Those present were introduced to the representatives from all sides including Greg Freebairn, of Torq Consulting, who will chair the meetings.

Historically the Ambos and nurses who work for RFDS had a shared EA. Last time we bargained with RFDS in 2021, they wanted to separate the EAs so the nurses and ambos had separate EAs with separate conditions. RFDS have now stated that they would like to merge the nurse’s agreement back into the main agreement for all RFDS Operational staff.

The VAU has recently met with the bargaining representatives from the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), who represent the nurses, to ensure that both unions get the best possible outcomes for their respective members.

To enable the VAU to properly represent RFDS members at bargaining, we ask that members thoroughly read the attached LOC, and provide feedback indicating which claims are the most important to you. This enables the VAU to prioritise the claims that the membership value the most.

What else can RFDS members do to assist with bargaining?

The VAU will bargain vigorously on behalf of their RFDS members. To best achieve this, we need every member at RFDS to nominate the VAU as their bargaining representative. This sends a clear message to RFDS that our members are a cohesive group who take their employment conditions seriously.

By nominating the VAU, it also allows members to vote on any proposed industrial action, and also take part in that action, if it comes to that in the bargaining process. Currently, less than one third of the RFDS membership have taken a minute to nominate the VAU. Please take the time to do this right now if you have not previously done so. Check your email for the link, or copy and paste the information below into an email:

TO: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

SUBJECT: Bargaining Nomination – RFDS

Dear Debra,

I, [insert your NAME] [insert your EMPLOYEE NUMBER], hereby nominate the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) as my bargaining representative for the Royal Flying Doctor Service Victoria Patient Transport Employees Enterprise Agreement 2024


[insert your NAME]

Bargaining is an exciting time for members. It is a genuine opportunity to engage with management on a range of issues that affect your working life.