
To date there have been 88 bargaining meetings with Ambulance Victoria (AV) and the Victorian Government to reach agreement on a new enterprise agreement to cover our members at AV. A proposal put forward by AV early in the negotiations was to translate administrative employees across to the AV Management and Administrative Agreement (AVMA).

The union have been waiting for detail on this proposal including whether current entitlements will be protected and whether the proposal will see members better off overall.

AV have recently provided the following detail.

  • All administrative employees will receive an initial 3% increase to their current salary.
  • In addition, ASOs in the communications centres will have an additional increase commensurate with the Comms Centre Allowance (VAU claim 7.2).
  • All administrative will then translate across to the AVMA and enter the salary structure at the next pay point (see table below).
  • Following translation employees have three months to request review of their translated classification.
  • AV will then have six months from the time of the review request to evaluate the role/s. If the employee/s are successful in their review request, the employee/s would receive back pay to the date of translation.
  • Administrative employees will then receive a further 2% increase on 25 October 2024 under the AVMA.
  • AVMA expires on 24 October 2025.

Proposed Translation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU):

AV proposes a translation MOU for specific AVEA entitlements to carry over with AVEA admin employees to the AVMA until the commencement and resolution of the next AVMA bargaining period in 2025:

  • Public Holiday payments for part time employees;
  • Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday payments in line with AVEA rules; and
  • Full shift overtime at double time

For Discussions:

AV proposes a lump sum payment (0.5.% separate lump sum cash payment under Government Wages Policy) at the commencement of the Agreement for AVEA admin employees of $7,200 ($1,800 x 4). This has not been finalised.

Table provided by AV:

The VAU will be organising an online meeting with members regarding this proposal. Members are encouraged to provide feedback via email.