
Over recent months some members have contacted VAU with concerns that not all employees have been provided with their two rostered training days as per clause 77.4 of the Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2020.

Clause 77.4 – Training and Development
Training may be delivered in a number of ways including but not limited t

  • (a) Compulsory attendance at a minimum equivalent of two rostered training and education days, unless deemed unnecessary in any individual case;
  • (b) Completion of Learning Management System (LMS) modules that employees will be required to access during both work time and in their own time.

Ambulance Victoria is required to provide training and education to their staff to maintain and progress their clinical skillsets. Continuing education is essential for maintaining a highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce who provide outstanding care to the Victorian community.

If you have not been provided with rostered training as per clause 77.4 this year, please contact the VAU via [email protected] and let us know of your circumstances.

In solidarity