
As members would be aware, on Monday afternoon, the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) became aware of a second serious breach of privacy at Ambulance Victoria (AV). This follows a previous breach in May of this year. On both occasions, once the VAU became aware that private information was exposed on the AV portal, we informed AV within minutes.

Since Monday night the VAU has received no further update from AV about the extent of the breach of this private information.

In a meeting with the Chief Executive yesterday, AV thanked the VAU for reporting the breach and advised that it was being investigated further, and that they thought the issue had been resolved but clearly it had not. That was the extent of the discussion. The VAU has not been briefed on AV’s response to this breach of members privacy.

Our members have since informed the VAU that a further detailed communication was sent to them from the Chief Executive yesterday at 1525 hours. Almost 24 hours later, AV have not reciprocated the courtesy of communicating this update to the VAU.

In Solidarity