13th August, 2020
Ambulance Victoria restarts random alcohol and drug testing during Pandemic
This morning the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) was informed that Ambulance Victoria have resumed random drug and alcohol testing in the Loddon Mallee Region. Random testing had been previously suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The VAU have been informed that testers are reading an introductory statement to members prior to being tested, stating words to the effect that “the union knows AV is conducting random testing”.
The VAU confirms that we have not been informed that AV are resuming random testing. The VAU are not supportive of it being resumed during current COVID-19 restrictions.
Health services have been advised to take steps to reduce unnecessary movement and contact amongst health workers. Consistent with this advice, AV should strictly limit visits by external organisations to branches to those that are absolutely necessary.
The VAU note that AV have recently made several recent decisions that impact on the health and safety of the workforce without proper consultation with employees or the VAU. While we acknowledge that the pace of change and responsiveness required during the pandemic is challenging, overlooking fundamental consultation obligations leads to poor decisions being made and risks being taken which our members bear the brunt of.
The VAU are currently writing to AV to request that the testing program be suspended, and that AV correct the misrepresentation being communicated to members regarding the VAU’s position on this issue.
Stay safe,