
As members would be aware, this week there have been 105 meetings with Ambulance Victoria (AV), and the Victorian Government in order to reach agreement on a new enterprise agreement (EA) to replace the current EA which expired on 31 January 2024.

While we still have many areas of disagreement, industrial action taken by members has clearly had a positive effect in making some progress in several areas.

The parties have been able to reach in-principle agreement on several new or improved clauses relating to:

  • Employee engagement forums
  • Family and Domestic Violence Leave
  • Fixed Term Employment
  • Gender Affirmation Leave
  • Bullying and Harassment (updated)
  • Gender Equality (updated)
  • Leadership Development Training
  • Employee Representative Rights
  • Recognition of time in role for progression

The above clauses follow those circulated in VAU bulletin dated 12 June 2024.

***Please note – nothing is locked in until final agreement is reached.

This is your agreement, and it is important to have your say. Please continue to send in your feedback. More agreed in principle clauses will be circulated for your feedback in coming weeks.