
As members will be aware the Ambulance Victoria (AV) Management and Administrative Agreement 2020 is due to expire on 5 June 2021. The current agreement has a renegotiation clause that allows bargaining to begin 6 months prior to agreement expiry. This will allow bargaining for a new agreement to begin on 5 January 2021.

The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) will be a bargaining representative for these negotiations and we will need members to confirm this appointment in writing (further information will be provided about how to nominate the VAU as your bargaining representative in due course).

Members who are covered by the AV Management and Administrative Agreement are invited to submit expressions of interest for a log of claims for the upcoming negotiations.

The VAU will be submitting a joint log of claims with Professionals Australia who represent management and corporate employees.

Members are requested to provide their submissions for the log of claims by no later than 4 December 2020.

In solidarity,