21st August, 2019
Hair Testing – Know Your Rights!
The VAU has recently been informed that a number of Paramedics have been directed to take part in hair shaft testing under the AV Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy and Procedure.
Under the AV AOD Policy and Procedure, hair shaft testing is only to be used when further testing is required in investigations into the suspected misappropriation of AV medications or where the previous samples (Saliva /Urine) have resulted in inconclusive results such as non-negative tests. Saliva and Urine testing is to occur first before hair shaft testing is used.
Unfortunately in this instance, the members involved are being directed to undergo hair testing rather than urine and saliva as too much time has elapsed since the medication error was identified.
Hair shaft testing can be extremely distressing if it is not conducted appropriately and it is important that you know your rights before you are tested.
1. You are entitled to have a support person with you during the test.
2. You should ensure that the tester is properly trained and accredited to perform the test. You can check by asking the tester whether they have been trained in taking the hair sample and whether their organisation has been accredited by NATA to conduct the test. Asking these questions allows you to give “informed consent” to undertake the testing.
3. The tester should use appropriate techniques to ensure that there is no cross contamination from previous tests. Fresh scissors, gloves and equipment should be used for each test. Your sample should be appropriately labelled.
4. Testers should take no more than 100-120 strands of hair per sample and members should demand the tester count the strands before taking the sample. They should remove an amount of hair which, when clumped, together is of a thickness no greater than an iPhone charger cord. The area of scalp affected should not be greater than the thickness of a pencil. The tester should NOT take a clump of hair which is the thickness of a pencil when clumped together. ASK QUESTIONS and DEMAND TO KNOW WHAT THE TESTER IS DOING WHEN THEY ARE TAKING THE SAMPLE.
5. Watch as the tester packages the sample and make sure it is appropriately packaged and stored for testing.
The VAU can be contacted at [email protected] prior to the test and will be attending on the day to provide any support required.
In Solidarity,