7th December, 2021
Have your say – NPT – EBA
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) will commence Enterprise Bargaining with National Patient Transport (NPT) early in the new year. As a condition of your current Enterprise Agreement (EA), bargaining for a new EA begins six (6) months out from the nominal expiry of your existing EA. Enterprise Bargaining is a process that allows employees, usually represented by their nominated Union (VAU), to negotiate for improved pay and conditions for inclusion in the revised version of the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA).
Log of Claims Survey – Have your say
The VAU has already started collating feedback for consideration in the log of claims that will be presented to NPT prior to bargaining. This will occur after extensive discussions with NPT members. We will also be canvassing members whilst out on hospital grounds and monitoring email feedback from NPT members. However, it is important that we are aware of all issues that members would like to see raised during EBA bargaining. For these reasons, we invite you to complete an EBA survey. You can also share this link with non-members. The EBA survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. To complete the survey please follow the link in the Bulletin email.
Member Meetings
The VAU will conduct a number of video conferences to discuss EBA negotiations and survey results with members. These meetings will be a valuable opportunity for you to engage with the VAU and your colleagues and raise suggestions and questions you have on an EBA that governs your working conditions.
The VAU proposes to hold the meetings via Zoom, an invitation with a request to RSVP will be sent to your email.
EBA negotiations give members an opportunity to improve their working conditions. Remember, if you don’t tell us what you want, we can’t bargain on your behalf to get it. We look forward to receiving your feedback. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact the VAU through [email protected] OR our NEPT team;
• Kerry McLean 0480 194 783 – [email protected]
• Bruce Fine 0480 194 711 – [email protected]