24th September, 2020
Health and Safety Reps are making a Difference
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) wishes to congratulate our successful Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) across the industry. In the last few months, we have seen an unprecedented level of activity and engagement by our HSRs.
We all know that safety is a constant concern in any workplace. In the ambulance industry, workplace health and safety is often compromised by the urgent nature of the work that you do. It is the job of your HSRs to monitor your safety at work and ensure that no short-cuts are taken.
Recent win at NPT
As our members know, it is difficult to find a suitable place to eat a meal at the moment due to COVID restrictions. Despite requests from DHHS (after contact from the VAU), only a handful of hospitals have provided meal-break spaces for ambulance staff. This means that NEPT road staff have been forced to return to branch for meals more often than usual, putting pressure on the limited tea-room space available at many branches. Social distancing has compounded this problem by limiting space even further.
At NPT, staff have been forced to spend their winter months eating meals while sitting at trestle tables in the garage space of their branches. Not only has this led to many uncomfortable meals taken in the freezing cold, but it has also exposed these staff to an unacceptable level of diesel particulate. HSRs at National Patient Transport (NPT) have stood up and made it very clear that this situation is unacceptable, recently issuing Provisional Improvement Notices (PIN) at two of their branches. These PINs were served because of the inappropriate meal-break spaces that were being provided for road crews.
Since the PIN’s were issued we have an undertaking from NPT to install a ‘pod’ in Thomastown branch for the purpose of extending the tea-room facilities without the need for crews to sit at tables in the garage. The pods are air-conditioned and seat four people with social distancing. Along with the tea-room, this will allow 4 crews enough space and amenity to eat at the same time. A great result!
A PIN was also served on Noble Park branch along similar lines. Worksafe were called in by NPT management. After consultation with the HSRs, the Worksafe inspectors ensured that adequate space would be provided to staff for their meal-break. The board-room at Noble Park has now been declared a 24/7 tea-room for road staff with a microwave oven installed. A much more comfortable solution than sitting in the cold and breathing exhaust fumes. All up, a great result at both branches!
Right to a safe workplace
COVID-19 has brought with it serious challenges for our HSRs and all ambulance staff. Not only does the virus represent a serious danger to your health and well-being, it also poses multiple other problems due to the changes in work-practices that have accompanied the pandemic.
It is in this changing environment that our HSRs have been forced to navigate a way to maintain goodwill with employers whilst also ensuring a safe workplace. These hard-working individuals, who voluntarily take on this important role, deserve all the support that you can give them.
Always make a point of thanking your local HSR and showing your support of the work that they do for you. They stand up for your health and safety.
In Solidarity,