
As members would be aware, the Victorian Ambulance Union (VAU) continues to advocate for improvements to the wages and working conditions of our private sector NEPT members. Over 2022, we advocated to the Victorian Government regarding the need for secure employment and a level playing field between private sector and public sector NEPT workers.

In November 2022, the VAU secured a review into the NEPT industry which will consider options for future procurement arrangements which include reintegrating NEPT back into Ambulance Victoria (AV) or new public sector agency.

If we achieve a successful outcome, NEPT will provide much more secure employment and we will be able to bargain directly with one employer for improvements to wages and working conditions of NEPT employees. It will also allow for significant opportunity to improve career pathways, vehicles and equipment, branches, training, clinical support, and governance.

Private NEPT companies are paid for each patient they transport and the VAU is aware that NEPT companies are directing their staff not to use options such as Virtual ED, Triage Services or speaking to the AV Clinician to find a more appropriate pathway for patients that don’t require transport to hospital. Reforming NEPT through de-privatisation will have a positive effect on the broader health system and provide additional transport options for low acuity patients currently attended to by paramedics.

Members are advised to review the NEPT Review Discussion Paper. The VAU will be making a detailed submission to the Review on behalf of members. Individual members are welcome to make their own submissions to the Review and are encouraged to do so.

The Review will be chaired by Member for Melton and former paramedic and union secretary Steve McGhie and will deliver a final report to the Victorian Government by the end of 2023.

Members will be kept informed throughout the review.  

In Solidarity.