
The following industrial actions, which apply to ACO and NEPT members, have been notified to commence from 7:00am on Wednesday 12 June.


An indefinite ban on employees other than CTOs double loading patients.
An indefinite ban on CTOs transporting more than 2 patients simultaneously.
NEPT and CTS employees will return to branch for meal breaks.
An indefinite ban on Patient Transport Officers acting in the role of Ambulance Transport Attendant.


An indefinite ban on ACOs using the Whispr program.
An indefinite ban on dual ACO crews performing interhospital transfers.
An indefinite ban on ACOs performing vehicle and medication checks in unpaid time.
An indefinite ban on ACOs performing community engagement activities unless they are allowed to speak to the public about enterprise bargaining.
An indefinite ban on ACOs moving vehicles for Fleet.

In solidarity,