
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) met with National Patient Transport (NPT) on Friday, 16 June 2023 to further discuss the drafted ‘agreed in-principle’ Enterprise Agreement (the Agreement), and the implications of timeframes on wages in relation to the recently released quarterly CPI.

What was the outcome of discussions?

The VAU provided calculations on various roster types and how a 1 July return of meal breaks as time worked, rostered over-time and agreed wages, compared to the current Agreement with a 7% CPI increase. NPT did further calculations on several different rosters to add scope for parties to review the above more conclusively. In all cases of rosters compared, employees are better off under the current ‘agreed in principle’ draft Agreement.

The VAU and your delegates stand by the in-principle Agreement that we have bargained for over the last year, and believe it puts our members in the best possible position. The return of the paid meal break counted as time worked, together with the agreed wage increases, will result in a greater increase to your take home pay than the 7% CPI increase. Rostered OT and additional conditions such as banked leave and increased paid parental leave are also excellent benefits for employees.

Under the proposed Agreement, NPT employees will remain the NEPT industry’s highest paid ambos with the best conditions. This is the first time that NPT members have been able to secure an agreement without taking industrial action. VAU members and delegates have done a great job preparing and negotiating their claims, and should be proud of their work.

What’s next?

The VAU have already begun work reviewing the final draft. When that is done, NPT will provide a copy of the proposed Agreement to employees. There is then a 7-day notification period in which employees can review the draft and materials/campaigns from the VAU. A 7-day voting period will follow. If it is voted up, the Agreement then goes to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for review as to whether the Agreement meets the ‘Better Off Overall Test’, against the Award. If there are no amendments to be made, the Agreement will be ‘ratified’. There is then a 7-day period before implementation of the Agreement.

Given the timeframe that it takes for an Agreement to be finalised and implemented, the VAU proposed to NPT that an MOU be put in place to apply all rates and conditions from the date that the Agreement is voted up, irrespective of whether the Agreement has been ratified by the FWC. NPT have agreed and are seeking advice on its drafting. This will ensure employees receive their new entitlements without delay.

When NPT puts the Agreement out for employee vote, the VAU encourages our members to vote ‘YES’. Getting this Agreement voted up and approved will ensure that you receive the wages and conditions that you deserve.

If you have any queries on this process, please contact your NEPT Organisers: