12th November, 2024
As members would be aware, Roster Cycle 367 was not published until Monday, 11 November 2024, providing the workforce with less than the required 28 days notice of any change to the roster 367. This roster cycle covers the Christmas and New Year period.
Under the Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2020 (Agreement), the following clauses apply:
43.2 The Employer can change a roster on 28 days’ notice to the affected employees or a lesser period by agreement with the employee or in the case of an unforeseen or urgent circumstance.
43.3 The Employer can change start and finish times, without agreement subject to 28 days’ notice to the affected employees and consultation so employees have the opportunity to raise issues with their personal and family circumstances.
The VAU is now considering our legal options in relation to a breach of the Agreement.
Members who have not been provided with 28 days notice of a change in shift start and finish times have the right to refuse that change.
Members are also reminded that under clause 43.5 you have the right to lodge a formal grievance about the change to start and finish times or introduction of a new roster.
43.5 Where an individual employee has a grievance about whether a proposed change of
starting or finishing time, or the introduction of a new roster, is unreasonable having
regard to the employee’s personal and family circumstances, that employee has access
to the procedure in clause 11.
*** Note: Please remember that our members who work in the rostering department are not responsible for the implementation of the new system or the delays in publishing the roster.
If you wish to provide any feedback, it is best provided to [email protected]