

July, 2021

Medium Acuity Patient Transport (MATS)

29 July, 2021

The VAU have been advocating for a significant increase in AV NEPT capability to free up emergency crews to attend emergency cases.


July, 2021

St John Ambulance bargaining – draft Log of Claims

28 July, 2021

The VAU are pleased to inform members that we have now finished a draft log of claims (see attached).


July, 2021

RFDS Update to Enterprise Bargaining

22 July, 2021

At the completion of the meeting, RFDS agreed to provide the new proposal in the form of a draft agreement to the VAU.


July, 2021

NPT Paid Meal Break – FWC Decision

02 July, 2021

The VAU is extremely disappointed about the decision as well as potential industry ramifications.  We are now in the process of considering whether we can appeal the decision with the Full Bench of the FWC.


June, 2021

Meal Breaks at Hospital

15 June, 2021

Ambulance Victoria have announced that they intend to introduce a new practice of directing crews to have their meal breaks at hospitals or within 15 minutes of clearing from hospital as opposed to returning to their home branch where they can rest and recline.


June, 2021

RSRP and Spare

09 June, 2021

If you are rostered to a spare line, you have the right to start your shift from your home branch. Once you have arrived at work and your rostered shift time has started you may then be directed to go to a secondary location. At that point you may request a taxi or work vehicle or if you choose to travel in your own vehicle.


June, 2021

Vale – Phil Cavanagh

07 June, 2021

It is with great sadness that the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated (VAU) informs members of the passing of Phil Cavanagh.


June, 2021

St John Ambulance Enterprise Bargaining – UPDATE

01 June, 2021

Members will be asked to endorse the log of claims before it is served on St John.


May, 2021

ESTA members should be proud

27 May, 2021

Recently several media outlets have published stories about delays in answering 000 ambulance calls, bringing much needed public attention to the significant danger faced by patients calling an ambulance.