August, 2020
24 August, 2020
We are pleased to inform members that new parental leave entitlements for those covered by the AVEA 2020 will be accessible for members who begin paid parental leave from 30 July 2020.
August, 2020
14 August, 2020
To assist members to understand the improvements negotiated, the VAU have prepared a summary of AGREED claims which are reflected as changes in the AVEA 2020. We have also included reference to other claims that were agreed but will be implemented via an alternative mechanism
August, 2020
13 August, 2020
The VAU confirms that we have not been informed that AV are resuming random testing. The VAU are not supportive of it being resumed during current COVID-19 restrictions.
July, 2020
31 July, 2020
We are pleased to have received written confirmation from AV that the reduced KPI of 71 seconds will not be actively pursued and the previous KPI of 90 seconds has been reinstated.
July, 2020
29 July, 2020
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated has received a significant number of complaints from members about the recent move by Ambulance Victoria to reduce the ambulance turnout time target from 90 seconds to 71 seconds.
July, 2020
24 July, 2020
This week the Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated successfully represented a member at the Fair Work Commission in dispute with Ambulance Victoria over the application of the ‘40 hours bonus leave entitlement’ in the Ambulance Victoria Enterprise Agreement 2015 (Varied and Extended) (AV Agreement).
July, 2020
23 July, 2020
At the beginning of the pandemic the VAU requested and received written confirmation that any changes, including changes to crewing arrangements, that may occur to deal with the pandemic will be immediately reversed after the pandemic.
July, 2020
22 July, 2020
A ‘cease double loading’ directive issued (Directive) has been worked on by the VAU and DHHS. The directive was sent to all NEPT companies and Ambulance Victoria.
July, 2020
16 July, 2020
Members were provided with information about plans to increase access to Peer Support across the State. Matters discussed in the meeting included:
July, 2020
15 July, 2020
Photographic evidence provided by our members shows several pieces of equipment that have been left unsealed and in single bags placing FMO and LSO members at risk of exposure to contamination.
July, 2020
09 July, 2020
If you are moved to another location, you should respectfully confirm with the Duty Manager if there are other crews present and discuss other options. The VAU advises members to fill out a HSCS and to keep your own record of any Optima Live movements between branches.
July, 2020
05 July, 2020
Members will recall that the VAU filed an application on behalf of our member and award-covered employee at St Johns, Alan Stokes to insert a paid pandemic leave entitlement into the Ambulance & Patient Transport Industry Award 2020 (Award). This matter is continuing to be dealt with along with a domain name dispute, Health Select, and AV bargaining.
July, 2020
03 July, 2020
The proposed enterprise agreement will be circulated soon and FMO members will be able to see for themselves that their new rate of pay will be equivalent to the rate paid to LSO’s. Members are always welcome to seek clarification from the VAU if they wish to be provided with facts.
June, 2020
25 June, 2020
AV have been requested to provide support by conducting tests on asymptomatic patients. Training in testing procedures will be conducted by the Alfred hospital.
June, 2020
05 June, 2020
This bulletin provides you with a quick update about industrial matters, to give you some insight into the type of work we do on a day-to-day basis and to keep you in the loop about matters affecting the industry, including what steps were taken to fix these issues.
May, 2020
29 May, 2020
New offer from RFDS was opposed by the VAU and ANMF. In response, RFDS have suggested that if we do not accept the proposal of a two-tiered system, they may apply to terminate the current agreement in the Fair Work Commission.
May, 2020
28 May, 2020
RFDS are now trying to introduce a two-tiered wage system that will see new employees of RFDS paid far less than current employees, including in some instances up to $220 less per week and have suggested that they may apply to terminate the enterprise agreement in the Fair Work Commission if employees do not accept what is clearly an unfair offer.
May, 2020
18 May, 2020
This delay is unacceptable. The Victorian Government and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) need to ensure that health care workers experience a fast response so they can return to work quickly.
May, 2020
10 May, 2020
The VAU have started to review this proposal along with other bargaining representatives. While we are still reviewing the proposal, it is clear that the changes are significant.
May, 2020
04 May, 2020
Meal break amenities are a minimum requirement at every workplace, not least during a pandemic. Because of this fact, the VAU directly raised member concerns about inadequate facilities with the Department of Human and Health Services (DHHS).