December, 2023
19 December, 2023
The Emergency Service Foundation (ESF) supports the emergency management sector to prevent the incidence and impact of mental injury for the 139,000 volunteers and paid staff who serve us.
December, 2023
19 December, 2023
Regarding the taking of photographs, please send them to your Union; do not post photographs taken under action 5 onto social media as this may constitute unprotected action. Please remove any photos from social media that have been posted.
December, 2023
15 December, 2023
The VAU and other unions have formally notified ESTA of our intention to take protected industrial actions. The actions have been notified to commence at 0600 on Monday 18 December 2023 and are indefinite. The Unions encourage maximum participation for maximum impact.
December, 2023
14 December, 2023
The Unions received the results of the Protected Action Ballot conducted for ESTA employees in support of their application to take Industrial Action, with 75% of eligible members voting yes in this highly important ballot. The voting results show the extent of the engagement shown by members.
December, 2023
13 December, 2023
The VAU met with RFDS last week to continue to negotiate an agreed outcome regarding OH&S. They advised that, after their input and clarification, they believe that the parties should be successful in negotiating the last aspects of the structure.
December, 2023
05 December, 2023
VAU ESTA members who have nominated the VAU as their bargaining representative will have an opportunity to vote on whether to approve the proposed industrial actions (IA). The ballot will be conducted by CiVS electronically via email. It will open from 7 December 2023 and close on 12 December 2023. Read on for more details:
December, 2023
05 December, 2023
After a recent inspection of BalSECC, Worksafe have issued an improvement notice due to work-related stress in Clinicians. WorkSafe have stated that the AV has no system of assessing and responding to reports.
December, 2023
04 December, 2023
To date there has been 55 meetings. While there has been some slow but positive progress in some key areas relating to working conditions, we have had little progress in relation to wages.
November, 2023
28 November, 2023
As VAU members would be aware, negotiations for a new agreement to cover ESTA operational employees have been ongoing since February this year, with the current agreement expiring on 30 June 2023. Despite the efforts of the Unions, we have not reached an agreement. Click for more info.
November, 2023
23 November, 2023
Recently the VAU was informed by our ESTA delegates of changes to call-taking and dispatch protocols which will affect our members. Specifically, the event type BREATHING PROBLEMS: INEFFECTIVE BREATHING has been changed from a Priority 1 to Priority 0 dispatch. More information:
November, 2023
17 November, 2023
The VAU lodged an urgent dispute in the Fair Work Commission against Ambulance Victoria seeking that AV comply with clause 11.2 of the AV Enterprise Agreement 2020. Click for more information:
November, 2023
14 November, 2023
The VAU has advocated against additional caseload for ambulance crews as a result of decriminalising public intoxication. It is important that these reforms are carefully monitored and the VAU is keen to hear of any examples of ambulance crews being inappropriately dispatched.
October, 2023
23 October, 2023
On Saturday 30 September 2023, after the AFL Grand Final, BALSECC ran without any Ambulance Victoria Duty Manager, Communications Support Paramedics or Admin Support Officers.
October, 2023
20 October, 2023
Thanks to the work of our RFDS members and HSRs, RFDS are holding an online meeting on 25th October to negotiate the number of HSRs and Designated Work Groups at using the process advised by WorkSafe. The VAU will attend.
October, 2023
20 October, 2023
Negotiations for a new agreement to cover ESTA operational employees have now been ongoing since February this year, with the current agreement expiring on 30 June 2023. Read on for more information....
October, 2023
19 October, 2023
The VAU recently requested documents under FOI from AV, related to Revised Ambulance Dispatch. This request was denied. While the VAU consider its legal options to take the matter further, we will continue to advocate for reform to call-taking and dispatch, on our own if we must.
October, 2023
10 October, 2023
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated is pleased to announce that the proposed St John Enterprise Agreement has been voted up by a majority of the workforce. This is the first ever Enterprise Agreement for Patient Transport workers at St. John. Click here to download the new agreement.
October, 2023
09 October, 2023
The Victorian Ambulance Union Incorporated is pleased to announce that the proposed St John Enterprise Agreement has been voted up by a majority of the workforce.
September, 2023
25 September, 2023
Members reporting significant delays in call handling, due to calls from border locations being misrouted to NSW Ambulance Service.
September, 2023
22 September, 2023
Over recent meetings we have started to see some slow but positive progress in some of the key areas where we are aiming to improve members wages and working conditions. This includes: